Self Love Marketing Campaign
Stella Rosa® Self Love Event February 14, 2020
Client: Stella Rosa® Wines
Marketing Strategist: Valerie Farber
Graphic Designer/Photographer: Marissa Newman
Logo Designer/Photographer: Liz Melendez
This campaign aimed to promote Self Love for Valentines day. We shared uplifting Self Love quotes and contests on social media. We passed out over 5,000 roses to people on the streets in Downtown LA encouraging people to love themselves this Valentine’s day. The roses had a tag with a text number for a sweepstakes.
“While many wish for more, 62% of Americans still feel guilty for taking time for themselves.”
-Study done by Massage Envy 2020
Social Media Campaign
Contest Entry Form
Self Love Billboards
Self Love Grams
On February 14, 2020 our team passed out over 5,000 roses to people in Downtown Los Angeles encouraging them to love themselves this Valentine’s day. I designed T-shirts and sweatshirts for the team and the tags for the roses. I also took photos during the event and was able to pass out a few roses too!
Due to COVID-19 Lockdown we were unable to peruse the second half of the Self Love campaign. This would have taken place during the summer and would have aligned with PRIDE, focusing on “to love who you are”. I designed installations that could be printed and posted around the city. This would promote Self Love and encourage people to take pictures in front of them and share them on social media, giving our advertisement a second exposure.